High Quality Lean Facility
High Quality Lean Facility


Sirius Instrumentation and Controls has adopted a LEAN methodology in our manufacturing process. With the help from Gemba Academy, we provide in house training and certification for the members of our team. Our people have learned to identify inefficiency and waste and use Lean tools to eliminate it from our manufacturing process. Transforming from batch production to one piece flow or assembly line manufacturing has dramatically improved our ability to service our customers with quality product, and the fastest delivery times in the industry.

Introducing a functional Kanban System has improved our inventory control and eased the pressure we have had to put on vendors to "Rush" parts or equipment. We are dedicated to communicating with our vendors to establish healthy relationships that meet or exceed the needs of our customers.

Events such as Kaizens or Mini Kaizens create a culture of continuous improvement and are critical to the success of Sirius. We take pride in the steps we have taken and understand the benefits this transformation has provided to our Customers, Team, and Company.


Quality control along with Lean manufacturing is one of the corner stones of a successful production department. At Sirius, we believe strongly in its importance and the value of a stringent quality control system brings to both our customers and to Sirius. Our quality control program is a five-star system with over 130 quality checks performed on each and every chemical injection system manufactured. This unparalleled effort results in a very high probability of our customers receiving defect free product each and every time. We listen to our customers and encourage feedback on how we can be better as a company and improve on our products. All customer feedback is taken very seriously through a "corrective action" initiative. CAR's are one part of how we are constantly improving on our relationships with our customers including: our product, the order process, quality documentation, delivery and our future products.

Sirius' quality program is certified to ISO 9001:2015 standards. Click here for a copy of the registration.

Sirius Engineering


Innovation is the application of better solutions to meet new requirements. At Sirius we have a solid team of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers who are constantly advancing our existing products, designing new products, and working with customers on unique applications. Whether you require a custom solar power pack for northern climates, a high efficiency low maintenance multipoint chemical injection system, accurate feedback control for critical applications, or remote well site lighting for class 2 environments, our team can design an engineered solution to meet your needs.

"Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." - Warren Buffett



Our Production/Operations Team is focused on what effects the customers. By implementing a five star quality control system with stringent quality control checks throughout the manufacturing process we constantly improve and meet our philosophy of ensuring our customers have the right product on schedule. Quality resonates throughout the organization in the workmanship and attention to detail displayed by our team. To further improve product quality and delivery our operations team has subscribed to "Lean Thinking" and are constantly improving our processes to further increase efficiencies. In addition to quality, Safety is a top priority of Sirius. We strive to have a zero injury work place and ensure our people and our customers are kept safe.

"Don't water your weeds." - Harvey McKay
Stop devoting time and energy to processes and procedures that are sapping efficiency. Like weeds, if these processes and procedures are allowed to go unchecked they can quickly wreak havoc and cause all kinds of problems along the production line.


Sirius Sales


More than just a sales team, our people provide a "trusted resource" to our customers. Through sales leadership & training our sales team is 100% focused on selecting the best product and design for our customer's application, as well as being able to assist our customers in field support. Their experience is available to help keep our customers wells operating, through education, assistance, and proper design.

"Success is not delivering a feature; success is learning how to solve the customer's problem" - Mark Cook, Kodak

Sirius Leadership


The leadership team at Sirius are rooted in the oil and gas industry. They understand what it takes for a company to be successful and the importance of working closely with your customers and your team to be successful together. The innovative and entrepreneurial culture established at Sirius is one of the keys to success, providing an environment for people to think freely and provide feedback for improvement. At Sirius we want everyone to feel valued in both opinion and effort, this leads to a culture of loyal, hardworking and satisfied employees, which results in continuous product and service improvements for our customers.

"Good business leaders create a vision, articulate that vision, passionately own that vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion." - Jack Welch

ISO - 9001
5 Star Quality

Get In Touch


Tel: [780] 436.6301
Tollfree: 1.866.436.6301
Fax: [587] 416.3903

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